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Recent municipal work in Riverhorse Valley

In the past weeks, various eThekwini Municipality departments have been active in addressing several important issues within Riverhorse Valley. Here’s an update on the work that has been completed:

Guard Rail Repairs on Queen Nandi Drive and Imvubu Park Place The Roads Department has repaired damaged guard rails along Queen Nandi Drive and Imvubu Park Place. These repairs are essential for ensuring the safety of road users and maintaining the integrity of the infrastructure.

Burst Water Meter Repaired in Island Circle A burst water meter in Island Circle has been repaired by the Water and Sanitation Department. Addressing this issue was necessary to prevent water wastage and ensure the continued functionality of the water supply system in the area.

Fire Extinguished Behind Truck Yard A fire was observed behind the perimeter fence of the truck yard near our old offices. The Fire Department responded quickly and extinguished the fire, preventing further damage to the surrounding area.

These recent activities by eThekwini Municipality contribute to the ongoing maintenance and safety of Riverhorse Valley. We will continue to monitor and report on any further developments within the precinct.

Thank you for your continued attention to the upkeep and safety of our community.

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