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Maintaining excellence: precinct cleaning and greening activities in Riverhorse Valley

The ongoing efforts to keep Riverhorse Valley clean, green, and well-maintained continue to yield positive results. Our Management Association teams have been working diligently to ensure that the precinct remains in top condition, contributing to the overall beauty and functionality of the area.

Daily Cleaning and Greening Efforts The routine cleaning, greening, and maintenance activities are progressing smoothly, with the precinct looking as well-kept as ever. Our teams have gone beyond their daily duties to focus on additional projects that enhance the aesthetic appeal of the area.

Tree Trimming Across the Precinct This week, our teams concentrated on trimming trees throughout the precinct. This not only improves the visual appeal but also ensures the safety of the community by removing potential hazards and allowing for better light penetration.

Garden Replanting at Island Circle In a continued effort to beautify our surroundings, gardens along Island Circle were replanted with fresh, vibrant plants. These replanting efforts play a significant role in maintaining the lush and inviting atmosphere of Riverhorse Valley.

Alien Invasive Control Our alien invasive control teams have been actively working to manage invasive species within the precinct. This week, they sprayed herbicide across the area to prevent the spread of these unwanted plants. Additionally, the teams collected 325 bags of litter from the areas affected by alien invasives, significantly improving the cleanliness and ecological balance of the precinct.

These focused efforts are part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining a high standard of care in Riverhorse Valley. The combination of routine maintenance and targeted projects ensures that our precinct remains a clean, green, and welcoming environment for all.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation as we work together to keep Riverhorse Valley at its best.

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