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Using surveys to optimize communication and service offerings in the precinct

We at the Riverhorse Valley Business Estate Management Association (RHVBEMA) recognize the potential a short survey can provide when it comes to understanding the interaction between an individual and their experience with the Riverhorse Valley Business Estate precinct. Taking a few minutes to fill out our surveys goes a long way in allowing us to better tailor our service offerings in the public space and our communications to stakeholders.

Our surveys allow for anonymity so respondents can be candid and provide valid answers. All information including personal data is always treated with the utmost care in mind.

Snap surveys on the RHVBEMA website

These short surveys are located at the end of our individual latest news stories and the responses are linked to the specific post that is clicked on.  The main objective of these surveys is to find out whether you find the content useful, what else you’d like to read about ,and your general feeling towards the precinct.

Annual Perception Surveys

We also carry out Annual Perception Surveys that are hugely impactful in assisting the RHVBEMA team to respond to the precinct’s needs and continue delivering high-quality services to public spaces within the Riverhorse Valley Business Estate.

The time has come for the RHVBEMA’s Annual Perception Survey. Click the link below to take the survey and help us make informed decisions. Your feedback is important to us!

Take the Riverhorse Valley Business Estate MA 2022 Annual Perception Survey

You can have a look at the results of the RHVBEMA Annual Perception Survey done for the 2021 period by clicking the link below:

Riverhorse Valley Business Estate MA Annual Perception Survey results 


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