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Service delivery in Riverhorse Valley

We’re pleased to update you on recent service delivery efforts by the eThekwini Municipality in our precinct:

  • Road Markings: Musa Dladla now boasts refreshed road markings, enhancing safety and traffic organization.
  • Sewer Repairs: Prompt action was taken to address overflowing sewers in Quarry Park Place, ensuring community health and well-being.
  • Pothole Repairs: Proactive measures were implemented to repair potholes in Quarry Park Place, improving road conditions.

We appreciate the dedication of the eThekwini Municipality in maintaining essential infrastructure in our community. Let’s continue to communicate effectively and report any issues promptly to uphold the cleanliness, safety, and well-being of Riverhorse Valley.

Pictured below: Pothole repairs in Quarry Place, sewer repairs at Quarry Park and road markings at Musa Dladla.

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