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Post-flooding municipal water supply shortages: Where to find information and updates

Please note, Umgeni Water, responsible for bulk water infrastructure, treatment, and supply, is the bulk water supplier to eThekwini Municipality who in turn supplies water to residents.  

The recent severe flooding damaged two of Umgeni Water’s aqueducts affecting the supply to the city. eThekwini Municipality is also assessing potential damage to municipal infrastructure and is calling on residents to please conserve water if they still have a supply.  Residents should also continue reporting outages to the call centres despite high volumes of calls: 

Call centre details: 

Toll free: 0801 313013 or 0800 311111 

WhatsApp – 073 148 3477 

Email eservices@durban.gov.za


For information pertaining to water supply shortages in the greater Durban area please view the following:  

Umgeni Water 

Twitter page: @UmgeniWater 


eThekwini Municipality 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eThekwiniM 

eThekwini Municipality water: eThekwiniM  

eThekwini press releases: http://www.durban.gov.za/Online_Tools/Pages/Subscribe.aspx 


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