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The Cityโ€™s One-Stop Centre is open and ready to assist businesses affected by the recent civil unrest and looting.

This forms part of the commitment made by eThekwini Mayor Councillor Mxolisi Kaunda to assist businesses to rebuild, recover and ensure economic stability. The One-Stop Centre, with the participation of all relevant government departments, opened its doors on 13 August.

Results of a preliminary survey of 720 respondents of businesses impacted by the unrest indicates that 41 824 jobs were impacted, 7 789 confirmed job losses, R2.32 billion in property damage, R566 million in damages to machinery and equipment and R1.07 billion in stock was lost due to the looting.

The One-Stop Centre will assist businesses to fast-track their applications for the required relief and recovery intervention.

The centre forms part the Municipalityโ€™s multi-prong strategy contained in the reviewed Economic Recovery Plan (ERP) in response to the civil unrest. The ERP now makes provision for special relief measures for all businesses that were affected by protests in the City.

Recovery and relief for all businesses currently accessible at the One-Stop Centre include:

– Application for the reconstruction of buildings damaged by fire,

– Application for rates relief for property owners where the building is completely non-functional,

– Application for building plan submissions in respect of properties damaged during the unrest,

– Application for rates rebate for bed and breakfast establishments,

– Request for information/ forms,

– Assistance with the processing of applications and,

– Updates regarding the status of applications.

The One-Stop Centre details:

Venue: Mystrals, Durban Exhibition Centre. Entrance is via Gate D, located on Samora Machel Street.

Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4pm.

Contact number: 031 3222 444.

For more information email: Business1stopcentre@durban.gov.za

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