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Metro Police presence in the precinct

The recent meeting held with the Mayor and senior city officials, to address and propose a plan to manage the ongoing challenges faced, with taxi associations intimidating members, resulted in Metro Police being more visible with more operations in the area. Last week Metro Police conducted stop and search operations on Queen Nandi Drive and Imvubu Park Place, as well as at the intersection of Corobrick Road, resulting in 9 minibus taxis being impounded.

In a separate incident, Metro Police responded swiftly when called after our team of CCTV controllers noticed the presence of taxi association vehicles on Imvubu Park outside Volvo, two vehicles were impounded – these are believed to be owned by members of the tax association involved in the intimidation incidents.

We have identified the hotspots which were communicated to Metro Police, and we are further engaging with the task team allocated to us, for a proactive approach that will ensure deployment during the peak hours at those hotspots.


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