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Forward thinking precincts

During the civil unrest and the more recent KZN flooding, several of our precincts were left without communications and internet access to varying degrees. This lack of communication quickly highlighted the need for alternate and backup communication channels as a precautionary measure to ensure our precinctsโ€™ operational teams continue to function effectively.

โ€œThe presence of satellite connectivity presents a great opportunity for our operational team and augments our precinctโ€™s safety and security plan. This ensures we can better respond to emergencies and conduct day-to-day responsibilities when standard means are unavailableโ€, explains Head of Southern Operations, Nwabisa Mkhize.

The satellite communication solution comprises two components. The first is a fixed device installed at the precinct management office/control room. This provides backup satellite communication via a handset and a backup internet facility. This ensures that our operational team will always have a communication channel and internet connectivity. The second component is a mobile satellite phone for use by the precinct manager. We are in the process of having the fixed devices installed across our precincts.

The idea behind this initiative is to ensure that precinct operations function effectively in the event of a cellular, electrical, or fibre outage.

We aim to roll out the system in the Riverhorse Valley Business Estate precinct in the coming weeks, and we will provide ongoing updates.

This initiative ultimately aims to always ensure the Riverhorse Valley Business Estate remains a thriving, forward-thinking, and sought-after precinct.

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