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Being water savvy in these difficult times (and beyond)

KZN has had a rough few weeks after recent devastating floods which adversely affected lives, property, and service delivery. Water supply has been affected in most areas so we thought it would be helpful to share some practical tips to make the most of the water you have access to.

  1. Paper plates and cups are great. They can be thrown away, recycled, and reused.
  2. Keep a container of boiled water next to the sink for handwashing.
  3. For washing dishes keep one sink filled with soapy water and the other with clean water. Soak and wash the dirty dishes in the soapy water, wash, then rinse in the clean water.
  • If you are using water from a tank, pool etc ensure it is boiled
  1. Milton sterilizing fluid is also great if you need to sterilize water for drinking.
  2. After using the toilet (no pulls for pees) add some detergents so that germs are kept at bay.
  3. You can also add a plastic bottle filled sand into your toilet cistern to reduce the water needed for a flush.
  4. Use bath water or pool water (if you have one) for flushing.

CLICK HERE for a list of great tips from the Center for Disease Control regarding making water safe for consumption after a natural disaster.

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